Get your Vietnamese Suppliers Faster & Easier
Post your product details and requirements to find suitable Vietnamese suppliers
Get Matched With Top 3 Potential Vietnamese Suppliers
Our Vietnamese sourcing team will search for you based on your requirements and suggest 3 potential manufacturers who fit those requirements the best.
Unlimited Potential Suppliers Coming to You
Get Vietnamese factories coming to you month after month to introduce themselves, show their capabilities, and discuss becoming your suppliers.
How to Get Your Suppliers With RFS?
Understand how VietFactory RFS can save you time and effort
Step 1 – Submit Your Request for Supplier (RFS)
- Specify the type of product you are looking for.
- State the potential purchase value (or volume).
- Additional details like product specifications, supplier requirements, and example photos.
Step 2 – Reviewing Your RFS and Checkout
- Our team will review your RFS and send your approval confirmation and check out.
- We will send your RFS to relevant suppliers across Vietnam.
Step 3 – Get Your Potential Suppliers in 2-3 Weeks
- Our Vietnamese sourcing team will look for suitable suppliers and contact them. Then we will give you a list of 3 potential suppliers that fit your requirements the best.
- You will also have unlimited Vietnamese suppliers coming to introduce their businesses, show their capabilities, and discuss becoming your Vietnamese suppliers.
Step 4 – Contact Your Potential Suppliers and Get Backup Suppliers
- You can contact the potential suppliers from the list found by VietFactory experts.
- Keep your RFS online to reach other suppliers and have an endless backup source of Vietnamese suppliers.
Step 5 – Risk Free and Satisfaction Guaranteed
- Receive a Risk-free, Satisfaction Guaranteed experience.
- You can cancel any time, no questions asked.
Clear and Tangible Benefits
Check out some of our RFS customers’ case studies

VEVA Advanced Filters
Reduced USA import tariffs from 25% to 0% by switching from China to Vietnam
Found new Vietnamese supplier to produce a new product category, helping expand their product offerings to customers
Reduced Lunar New Year holiday disruption of 6+ weeks in China to only 1 week in Vietnam

Lowered Cost of Goods (COG) by 15%
Found multiple back-up suppliers located in different cities across Vietnam
Had first samples and prototypes developed within 2 weeks of being matched with suppliers
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
RFS is a special solution made by VietFactory for professional buyers who want to find their Vietnamese suppliers easier and faster. In this special section, professional buyers can post their product details and requirements to look for Vietnamese suppliers.
Please take a look at Our RFS Post Page for examples.
RFS allows you to post your requirements. Once posted, suppliers that see the RFS and believe they can meet your requirements can apply to be your suppliers.
In addition, the VietFactory team will carefully review your requirements and search for suppliers across all of Vietnam.
Within 2-3 weeks, our sourcing experts in Vietnam will match you with an additional 3 potential suppliers who are able to meet your specifications.
First, you can complete the checkout for the RFS and then you will receive a form to fill your information of product specifications and supplier requirements.
A standard RFS includes these information:
- Company name: (reveal or hide based on your privacy)
- Product: (name of the product you want to source)
- Potential purchase volume: (in quantity or value)
- Specifications: (details of your product)
- Special requirements: (certifications or facilities, abilities suppliers need to meet)
- Additional notes: (your preference)
- Example photos: (attach 3-5 photos to demonstrate the product)
In our standard time, you will have a list of 3 potential suppliers in 2-3 weeks. After you post your Request For Suppliers, our team will start searching for suitable suppliers and contacting them.
Please note that Vietnam is not like China where we can get many quotations after 24 hours because there are so many suppliers there. In Vietnam we have to proactively search for them, contact them and communicate with them to qualify.
Our team of Vietnamese sourcing experts can do a great job finding them because they are local, they have networks and there is no language barrier.
Your potential suppliers must come from 2 sources:
- Verified suppliers on VietFactory.
- New suppliers (not on VietFactory yet) found by our sourcing experts base on your requirements
VietFactory will forward their messages and keep you updated on the status of your RFS.
Yes, you will receive a receipt for your subscription each month, which is very useful for accounting or reimbursement purposes.
No. There is only the monthly cost per product for RFS posts. We do not charge any other costs (like taking a percentage of the sales value) in the future.
The RFS is a monthly subscription because as long as it is on the VietFactory site, it stays live and then every month you choose to keep it up means that new suppliers can contact you. So you can have even more backup suppliers.
In addition, with more and more suppliers coming online and new factories being developed as Vietnam’s manufacturing continues to expand with new qualified manufacturers being able to do it. We find that a lot of our buyers keep it up because they can get consistent backups, to make sure that they can have good quality, diversity in the supply with competitive costs over the long term.
Most people keep it going month by month because you want to know of a new supplier and backups and to have factories competing to become your suppliers.
But at any time, if you feel like your first supplier is good enough or you don’t want any additional backup suppliers, you can cancel the RFS post.
Yes. You can cancel the subscription anytime at your preference. If you have found your suppliers or see it is not working for your case, please cancel and give us feedback.
A single Request For Suppliers (RFS) post is for 1 product category. Because a RFS needs to be very clear on specification and details for Vietnamese Manufacturers to understand your needs.
Therefore if you make a certain product or product category in various shapes, colors and styles, that still counts as 1 product category.
However, if you have more than 1 product category, you can have several RFS and that will lead to better results.
Yes. The mission of VietFactory is to empower international buyers and Vietnamese factories to communicate with each other directly. Because we want you to own the supplier relationships you build. And also we are not middle men, we don’t take a percentage so that will be better if you communicate directly with suppliers.
Yes. We do have different solutions:
VietFactory Unlimited Sourcing Services ($999/month)
We will work like your Rep Office in Vietnam to handle sourcing, quotations, samples, local production, vetting suppliers, etc. It’s like having your own staff based out of Vietnam helping you through everything.
Vietnam Sourcing Feasibility Report ($3,000)
Understanding the possibility of making your products in Vietnam. Great for those who manufacture in China or elsewhere and want to move.
Checkout is included on the next page, we utilize Stripe to accept credit cards, debit cards, mobile wallets and more.
Stripe is a payment processor that follows the most stringent level certifications with the best in class security and high level practice.
Please use the email you signed up for your Buyer account to check out.
Yes. We understand that there are reasons for buyers to hide their identities when sourcing. When we publish the RFS, you can choose to hide your company name and replace it with company type and country. For example, instead of Apple, you can put “An electronics company from USA”.
In our experience, we find that Vietnamese suppliers like to see company names in the RFS. However, it is not required.
In this case, please use the most similar photos or copy images to demonstrate your products. The RFS’s objective is to find a suitable supplier that may be capable of producing your product.
Only after you find a potential supplier that is able to produce your products, can you privately communicate with them to disclose any designs or specific photos if needed.
A RFS costs $99/month and can be canceled anytime.
Once the RFS is posted, suppliers can apply and those will be forwarded to your email. On top of that, after 2-3 weeks, after our sourcing experts search across Vietnam and find 3 potential suppliers for you, those suppliers will be presented to you by email with company information, brief profile and points of contact. And then you can communicate with those suppliers directly via email or the platform.
VietFactory is the biggest database of Vietnam manufacturers, we can find the factories that fit your requirements. Our team will go out and search across Vietnam for you.
Also, suppliers and new ones that come online will be able to find out about yourselves and then apply.
Sometimes, Vietnamese factories can be less responsive if you are reaching out directly. Our team of Vietnamese sourcing experts can do a great job finding them because they are local, they have networks and there is no language barrier.
So the RFS will save you a lot of time and effort to find your Vietnamese suppliers.
VietFactory ensures you receive a Risk-free, Satisfaction Guaranteed experience.
If you are not happy at any point, you can cancel right away or request a refund, and there will be no questions asked.
At any point, you can reach us for support at
Our VietFactory experts are happy to help. We will respond to you within 1 business day.