Checkout Agarvina Co.,Ltd Watch Video

It is not random that the ancient area of the goddess Po Nagar in Vietnam, or the God Mother, is the only part of the world that Aquilaria is found. The ancient area that encompassed Champa also was the birthplace of the legend and wonder surrounding Aquilaria to this very day.

Our goal is to become a leading company for manufacturing and exporting the highest quality Aquilaria products. We aim to join world markets such as Japan, China, India and the Middle East

Q Business Type

Manufacturer, Trading Company

Q Main Categories

Agarwood, Oud, Agarwood Oil, Agarwood Tea, Oud Oil

Q Person In Contact

- Phone: +84.8.3773 3858.
- Email:

Q Main Market

Japan, China, India and the Middle East

Q Established Year




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